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Strand 4: Community and Living Well Together

Arnan, Finn, Jacob, William and Alexander did some great charity fund raising at the weekend, supported by Oaka. Demonstrating the school values.

The boys all camped out to raise money for the Royal British Legion, to help homeless military veterans in the UK, in the Great Tommy Sleep Out. 

Oaka supported by helping to take the supplies and kit and setting up the camp with them.

They raised a fantastic £432! 

Sponsored Skip

Helping someone in our community.


The School council and sport's leaders worked together to organise a sponsored skip where any monies achieved would be given to a one of our school's family's to support their disabled daughter who neds around the clock care. 

The whole school took part in the sponsored skip. Each child had to skip for 2 minutes. The number of skips was added together with our target being 5,000 skips.

We achieved 7,968 skips altogether!

Leading by example

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Carol service in Church December 2023

Thomas bible reading

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Staff worked hard to ensure our Christmas fair included the local community to enjoy the count down to Christmas. 

HSBC Team came to help tidy up the ECO garden.

HSBC bank came to support their local community by doing some gardening. The team spent the day with us in school cutting back the hedges, weeding and planting bulbs. Our head boy, girl and deputies gave them a guided tour of school and asked them lots of questions about banking. A huge thank you to the whole team for their dedication and their hard work in to improving the area. 

Coding Club with Mr Wood

Mr Wood

Mr Wood is a grandparent of Sophie and Joe who attended our school many years ago. Mr Wood has been volunteering at our coding club for a very long time. We are humble that he gives his time up for free to help our children flourish through the use of technology. Mr Wood lives out our school values through his dedication to our school family and indeed his calm approach to all the questions we ask. Thank you Mr Wood for inspiring our children to have individual one to one attention to share your skills and and gain new learning. 


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Working together:

Parks , year 5 and Mandela worked together in mixed aged groups to create their very own zoo or theme park. The children then presented their creation to the rest of the classes. We saw older children supporting our youngest children with reading, presenting and much more. 

Well done to Thomas and Harrison for their contribution to 'The Big Help Out'.

George and Jasmine exploring God's beautiful world and finding treasure:

Section from the God's Bible timeline book by Linda Finlayson.:

Roads / routes connecting us all together to develop as communities. We can't wait to find out how old the coins are once they have been dated. 

Our Amazing School Trip to the Open Centre

Our fantastic trip to the Mosque and Temple.

Learning about Jewish, Islam and Sikh religions on our school visit.

We have had a lovely few days looking at the Chinese New Year and even acting out races like The Great Race. We discussed respecting other people’s festivals and how we show this. 

Well done to Jack playing guitar to the elderly as part of his role in cubs.

We asked the children to decorate an envelope with the theme of world religions. Winners of our competition will be announced on Monday in our Christingle service in Church.  Together we have raised £49.78 for Christingle. Well done Stanley!!

Below is a link to our Stay and play page.

Mrs Stanley-Wainwright has been voted a positive black role model by shoppers at Morrisons Ilkeston.

Our leadership group representing the school for Remembrance service in church.

Harvest Festival donations - we are very proud to receive this card

Mrs Stanley-Wainwright welcomes baby to our school community.

Supporting others in our community:

From a child's interests a family have  decided to collect clothing, blankets and food to donate to their local church for distribution to the homeless.  Children living out our school values in everything they do in school and out. 

Special visitor:

Parks' class has had the lovely opportunity to welcome a new baby into our school family. 

Happiness Day - Good Food Can Boost Our Mood!

'Flavourful Day Menu'. WOW what an amazing lunchtime. Yum! Yum!

Well done to everybody who took part in the 'Jubilee Cake Competition' and congratulations to our winner Lily.

World Book Day - making food fun by a menu inspired by popular children's books.

Pancakes for pudding today, YUM! YUM!

Sunshine Day - this menu is teaching us which foods are high in vitamins, minerals and high in energy.

Mystery Menu February 1st. Can you guess what event these dishes celebrate?

Two winners of the competition.

Warm jumper campaign

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Our children's winter jumpers on display at Derby Utilita hub in the Intu.

The children and staff have worked hard to make our Church window display look festive ready for the big day.

Head Girl and Head Boy switch on the village lights

Celebrating Great British Roast Dinner Day.

India themed lunch.

Decorations have been completed by after school children, breakfast club and golden eagles and  have been placed around school for our special lunch.


Lunch is here - Yum! Yum!

Curry, rice, bombay potatoes, vegetables and naan bread.

Plus a special desert - rice pudding and peaches. 

At the end of the Summer term we held a festival day in honor of our children and staff and ho incredibly hard they have all worked over the past year. This was a great opportunity for us to come together as a whole school and celebrate. Please click below to see videos of our amazing festival day. 

Our community supporting us:

After some rather wild weather a large branch had come down in our Eco garden and so made the space unsafe to be used by children and staff. A parent and his colleague was able to get rid of the branch and once again make the Eco garden a safe learning and reflection environment for our children and staff. 


Thank you for your support!

White Hart Stanley Village:


School and the pub work closely together to ensure the safety of the whole community. Georgina at the pub allows school staff to use her car parking facilities on a day to day basis to free up parking spaces outside the church making it safer at drop off and pick up times for our whole community as well as people driving through the village. As a school we really appreciate the support from the village facility and offer our support in return.





Our local Churches:

Below is a link to our local churches in the area. 

2021 Well dressing in West Hallam:

Amazing support from our Governor Nicky and her daughter in creating the outline of this amazing well dressing for us to decorate ready for the yearly well dressing in the local community. 


We had lots of donations from parents and grandparents to allow us to create such a master piece. 

Please see our school newsletters by clicking the link below.