Overview and home learning tasks:
- Summer 1- topic overview with home learning.pdf
- Garden bird identification sheet.pdf
RE workshop - Who is a Muslim?
The class took part in a fantastic workshop led by the Open Centre based on who is a Muslim. Our Year 2 wowed us with what they remembered from the open centre trip last year. We tried some sweets from different Islamic holidays and tried on lots of traditional clothes.
Year 2 position and direction
Yr2 have been working on position and direction and therefore, created a maze to then direct a partner through. Yr2 found this challenging as the partner could only move when instructed and the direction the instructor gave such as, 3 steps right.
Computer Artwork
Children created images on computer software to go with their stories about Litlle Evie.
DT - Hot air balloons
Yr1 and 2 children have designed and made hot air balloons as part of their DT work this half term and then tested them too.
Art work produced in craft club
RE - Jonah and the Whale
As a class we learnt the story of Jonah and the whale and made up actions to remember each part of the story by such as, hands over ears for Jonah not listening to God, arms wide open for the whales mouth and then we had a few different actions the children felt we could use for God as you can see in the middle image.
Science experiments
Our year 1 and 2 children were scientists today investigating which liquid was the hardest to stir, what the liquids were and why.
Reception maths

Reception have been counting forwards and backwards in ones and then started to count up to 20 in2s.
Using maths resources
Children have loved showing the younger children how to use the resources to support their understanding and aid working math problems out.
Wow what an incredible music session!
Reception self-portraits
Children enjoyed making a photo frame using straws. They then used art and craft materials to create a self-portrait.
PSHE - looking after a pet (Dexter the Fire Dog)
Reception enjoyed looking after Dexter dog making him a bed, a food bowl with biscuits and a water bowl, taking him for a walk etc... Reception had a great discussion about what different pets need and why we need to take care of them.
- Children have started a new unit in computing and are enjoying learning new skills.
Planting apple seeds
- The children enjoyed having some eating their apple to then get the seeds to plant to explore the planting process to aid their tree reports in literacy.

Phonic outside
- Children enjoyed their phonic session outside in the sunshine and fresh air. The children chalked the sounds on the playground as well as applying their new sound to a word.

Position and direction
- Yr 1 children have been looking at position and direction in maths. The children have been learning left, right, half a turn, quarter of a turn and much more.

DT- Paper helicopters
- Children created a paper helicopter to then time and test how it fell when dropped. The children worked together in teams demonstrating the school's values and took turns as well as supporting one another. The children recorded times and theories of what might make the helicopter fall faster or slower.

Science experimenting with materials
Yr 1 children completed an experiment and then presented this and their findings to the Yr 2 children.

Exploring trees for our Literacy non-chronology report
- Yr 1 and 2 children explored the trees in the Eco garden. The children took leaf rubbing, discussed how to measure the age of trees by counting the rings on cut logs as well as thinking about how to measure a tree that is still growing. The children also collected leaves and sticks to help support their report writing.

Fire safety talk for the Yr2s
- Yr 2 children took part in a Fire Safety talk linked to Dexter the dog who came home with them to teach about how to stay safe.

Forest School
- First session of Forest school of the Summer term. Children enjoyed a wet and wild session in the Eco garden. Children made and decorated drum sticks with sticks they found and then they used a saw to cut them to size. Children also played in the mud kitchen.

PSHE Growing Up
Year 1 and Reception children had a great discussion about what skills they can do now that they couldn't as a baby.
I can read now, we can walk, use scissors, eat food, write and draw...