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Summer 1


Thank you for all the amazing 'Ancient Greece' homework.



Science Investigation No. 2 - In groups, the children picked their own question for this investigation based on their previous lesson.


Science - Investigation No.1 - Can the person with the longest leg jump the furthest?


ICT - Coding using Purple Mash


Science - labelling bones with help from "Stanley"


Well Done on your achievement in Rugby - Most Improved Player


PE - Cricket Training - Batting and Bowling





RE - Making links between the Day of Pentecost and the Kingdom of God



Congratulations on your swimming award.


PE - Cricket - Learning bowling techniques.


Numeracy - Fraction work


Art - Julian Opie

Learning about a British Artist called Julian Opie and using his techniques with felt tips.




Using apparatus to support work involving equivalent fractions.


PE - weeks 1 and 2 - Netball - Tactics and Team Work

Art - working with charcoal 


Homework - Ancient Greece